Annika Kreuchwig, Researcher at BAYER AG, Pharmaceuticals, envisages eTRANSAFE as a valuable platform that will attract users from all functions involved in the drug development process
What is your current role in eTRANSAFE?
I am one of the EFPIA representatives at Bayer for the eTRANSAFE project. Due to my bioinformatics background, I am involved in many scientific tasks in different work packages. A pre-requisite for eTRANSAFE is the availability of relevant, high quality preclinical and clinical safety datasets, which can be shared among the eTRANSAFE consortium partners. Therefore, I am responsible for legacy data extraction from various LIMS sources and archives, SEND data collection/workflow development and terminology mapping to drive the preclinical database development. In WP5 and WP6, I am supporting text mining efforts and the workflow example exploration. For the clinical database we have developed a data sharing policy for providing aggregated clinical data from Bayer trials to the consortium. Additionally I am engaged in requests for EFPIA for in silico modelling and software platform development work packages.
What is your overall vision of the project?
Looking into my crystal ball, eTRANSAFE will be the platform allowing translational analysis of legacy, preclinical, clinical and other relevant data sources facilitating the assessment in pharmaceutical drug development and helping to avoid safety related drug failures. If we manage to build an easy to use, query-guided visual analysis platform, the platform will attract users from all functions involved in the drug development process and will have great value.
What do you find most challenging about the project?
Most challenging for eTRANSAFE will be the alignment of all different data sources, the data sharing hurdles, data harmonization and normalization as well as mapping between preclinical and clinical terminologies. But having the experts all together I am sure that we will solve all these challenges. I think with the workflow exercises in place we are able to solve many hurdles in this project early on.
What represents eTRANSAFE for your personal career?
For me this interdisciplinary consortium serves as a great opportunity to get insights in other EFPIA companies, to collaboratively learn about new software development and visualization technologies and for building up a network across Europe.