July 2019
Gordon Research Conference on “Computer-Aided Drug Design” West Dover, VT, US
Oral presentation: Predicting the Most Challenging Toxicological Effects: From Chemical Structure to Data Integration Methods. Cronin M. Partner: LJMU
Oral presentation: Image based toxicity prediction using deep neural networks. Asilar E, Hemmerich J, Ecker G. Partner: UNIVIE
Poster presentation: Understanding toxicity predictions using deep convolutional neural networks. Asilar E, Hemmerich J, Ecker G. Partner: UNIVIE
June 2019
Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics Sheffield, UK
Poster presentation: Combined efforts of in vitro-derived data and computational chemistry for drug-induced liver injury prediction. Béquignon O, Wink S, van Westen G, van de Water B. Partner: UL
PhUSE 2019 Computational Science Symposium Silver Spring, Maryland, US
Poster presentation: Consolidating Study Outcomes in a Standardised, SEND-Compatible Structure. Drew P, Thomas R, Capella S. Partner: PDS
Poster presentation: Analysis of clinical pathology parameters and histopathologic findings from eTOX. Thomas R, Pinches M, Porter R, Camidge L. Partner: Lhasa
Strategic Governing Group. Translational Safety Paris, FR
Oral presentation: eTRANSAFE Project. Sanz F. Partner: IMIM
May 2019
Oral presentation: IMI projects on drug safety prediction: eTOX and eTRANSAFE. Sanz F. Partner: IMIM
12th European workshop in drug design conference Siena, IT
Poster presentation: Predicting mitochondrial toxicity in human mitochondrial respiratory complex I using structure-based and ligand-based methods. Troger F, Hemmerich J, Funke M, Delp J, Füzi B, Jain S, Colas C, Zdrazil B, Leist M, Ecker G. Partner: UNIVIE
March 2019
SOT 2019 (Society of Toxicology) Baltimore, US
Poster presentation: Cover: Conformational OVERsampling of datasets for deep learning in in-silico toxicology. Hemmerich J, Asilar E, Klambauer G, Ecker GF. Partner: UNIVIE
Poster presentation: Toxicity prediction for human mitochondrial respiratory complex I – combining structure-basedmethods and machine learning. Troger F, Hemmerich J, Jain S, Füzi B, Tratensek A, Colas C, Zdrazil B, Ecker G. Partner: UNIVIE
Poster presentation: Reconciling in vitro and in silico approaches for drug-induced liver injury prediction. Béquignon O, Callegaro G, Wink S, van de Water B, van Westen G. Partner: UL
Poster presentation: Development of DILI Prediction Tools for Humans and Mammals from the Vantage of Translational Safety Assessment. Muster W, Naga D, Rathman J, Mostrag A, Yang Ch. Partner: Roche
February 2019
German Pharmacotoxicological Society Stuttgart, GE
Oral presentation: From paper archive to knowledge management. Steger-Hartmann T. Partner: Bayer