eTRANSAFE organised a Research Reproducibility Workshop on the 4th of June 2019 in Barcelona.
The aim of the workshop was to collect input from key stakeholders to propose guidelines of data sharing for long-term sustainability, and model validation in the scope of eTRANSAFE.
The Workshop was organised in several talks to explore the drivers and the value of data sharing in safety assessment, as well as a round table of experiences in pre-competitive data sharing and governance.
The discussions and the outcome of the workshop were taken by the Work Package 2 addressing Overarching Policy, whose members will draft a proposal of data sharing and model validation guidelines for the eTRANSAFE consortium and beyond.
Consortium members, Jean Marc Vidal as the SAB representative, and external speakers as Alison Cave (EMA), John-Michael Sauer and Richard Liwski (Critical Path Institute), Wei Gu (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine) and Miranda Mourby (Oxford University) attended the Workshop and contributed to the discussions on this challenging topic.