eTRANSAFE press release

1st September 2017. Press Release: eTRANSAFE Project launch.

40 Million EUR European project for new drug safety assessment and integrative data analysis research.

The five-year project, Enhancing Translational Safety Assessment through Integrative Knowledge Management (eTRANSAFE), aims to develop an advanced data integration infrastructure together with innovative computational methods to improve the security in drug development process and is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI 2) together with the pharmaceutical industry.

The eTRANSAFE consortium is a private and public partnership of 8 academic institutions, 6 SMEs and 12 pharmaceutical companies, and is coordinated by the Fundació Institut Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques (IMIM) and led by the pharmaceutical company Novartis.

Press Release


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