The eTRANSAFE consortium members met to discuss the project progress and next steps at the 14th Consortium Meeting held on Thursday and Friday 24-25 of February 2022.
The latest advances in the development of the eTRANSAFE system, ToxHub, were at the centre of this virtual 2-day event.
The first day evolved around use cases for the testing and improvement of the system and for advancing its translational component, the use of preclinical data to predict human safety. The day concluded with an update from the project work packages, with an overview of recent and upcoming activities.
The second day of the meeting brought the audience a series of short sessions providing a closer look on some of the ongoing work, such as the successful virtual control groups initiative that has the aim to reduce the use of control animals in toxicology studies (link), and the collaboration with the UK-based NC3Rs for the development of a virtual dog (link).
The meeting finished with feedback from the project external Scientific Advisory Board, with appraisals and useful recommendations for next steps until the next meeting scheduled for June 2022.
We thank the consortium and SAB members for their contributions to this event and look forward to meeting soon face-to-face!