The virtual 11th CM was held on 16 and 17 of February 2021
The eTRANSAFE consortium gathered for the 11th time to assess and discuss recent project developments as well as short-term plans until the next assembly scheduled in June.
During this 2-day event consisting of 6 sessions, the project partners presented the latest results aimed towards achieving the project objectives of building a translational system for toxicology assessment.
The meeting was focused on showing and obtaining user feedback on the system, tools and models developed and on considerations regarding the translational approach pursued by the project. Exciting new developments and plans for future work were also presented in relation to Open Innovation, Virtual Control Group and Text Mining activities, as well as the Study Report Domain tool, Terminology Mapping and Visualization. The importance of data sharing by the project EFPIA partners to the project success and how encountered legal and administrative hurdles could be overcome were key considerations. The Scientific Advisory Board provided useful insights on both pending and achieved activities.